1st place in h.acKnight 48-hour offline hackathon April 2022
Technical Portfolio Website for Siddharth Suresh
Image Steganography
This project for the course Cryptography and Network Security, created an end to end secure file transfer application secured by RSA, AES algorithms and steganography using the DCT method.
Real Time Fall Detection System
Real Time Low latency Websocket through Phoenix Channels (powered by Elixir and Erlang). Random Forest Classification based ML model to detect fall based on acceleration and gyroscope readings.
Distributed Real Time Irrigation System
This project for the course Distributed Real Time Systems Course, simulates an edge irrigation system that consists of a water pump connected to an ESP32.
Automatic Temperature Controlled Fan with AI Voice Recognition
This project for the course Microprocessor and Interfacing Course, simulates control of a motor using an ESP8266 microcontroller programmed using the Arduino programming environment.
MRI Classifier System
A machine learning model to classify brain tumors using MRI scans. The model was trained on an extensive dataset using Convolutional Neural Network and deployed using Streamlit and achieved an accuracy of 92.5% on the test set.
Library Database Management
For the course, Database Management Course, implemented a full stack library management system with robust two levels of authorization, and admin management.